Runners Day WORLD RUN - Leave everything on the track!
  • 22 June 2020

While this lockdown has put that engine at a halt and you have been urging to kickstart and logging a few miles, WORLD RUN comes as your knight in the shining armour. A global celebration to acknowledge the victories and struggles of the runners, this day comes as a reminder to cherish and embrace the passion towards running.

Considering the current circumstances, it is not likely possible to officiate a marathon for the Runners Day on 11th July but will that refrain us from paying our tribute to the Runners in the world?

Absolutely not!

WORLD RUN is a global event to participate in a solo run where we all collectively take charge of our own marathon. We all as one take up a run on our respective tracks and blaze the igniting spree.

Are your muscles aching for a good run?

Do you wish to be a part of this Global Proceeding?

If your answer is yes, then head to the registrations right away!